Polskie lasy

Poland is in the European lead, while concerning the area of all forests. They cover about 29,2 % of the country territory, and grow within the area of 9,1 million hectares. The overwhelming majority of the forests is state owned, of which almost 7,6 million hectares are managed by the State Forests National Forest Holding..

PGL Lasy Państwowe

The State Forests National Forest Holding is the largest organisation in the European Union managing forests, which belong to the State Treasury and celebrating its 90 anniversary this year.

Asset Publisher Asset Publisher



An error occurred while processing the template.
Error on line 245, column 29 in 10097#20183917#27914661
file.extension is undefined.
It cannot be assigned to fExtension
1<#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portlet.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") /> 
2<#assign dlFileEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portlet.documentlibrary.service.DLFileEntryLocalService") /> 
3<#assign imageLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.portal.service.ImageLocalService") /> 
5<#assign journalArticleId = .vars["reserved-article-id"].data?replace('.', '-') /> 
6<#assign journalArticle = journalArticleLocalService.getArticle(getterUtil.getLong(groupId), journalArticleId) /> 
7<#assign journalArticleCreateDate = journalArticle.getCreateDate() /> 
8<#assign journalArticleModifiedDate = journalArticle.getModifiedDate() /> 
9<#assign journalArticleAuthor = .vars["reserved-article-author-name"].data /> 
10<#if coauthors?? && coauthors.data?has_content> 
11    <#assign journalArticleAuthor = coauthors.data /> 
13<#if title?? && title.data?has_content> 
14    <#assign journalArticleTitle = title.data /> 
16    <#assign journalArticleTitle = .vars["reserved-article-title"].data /> 
18<#assign journalArticleUrlTitle = journalArticle.getUrlTitle() /> 
20<#assign serviceContext = staticUtil["com.liferay.portal.service.ServiceContextThreadLocal"].getServiceContext() /> 
21<#assign themeDisplay = serviceContext.getThemeDisplay() /> 
22<#assign portletId = themeDisplay.getPortletDisplay().getId() /> 
24<div id="article-${journalArticleId}" class="nfh-cp-article"> 
26    <h1 class="title">${journalArticleTitle}</h1> 
28    <#if showcreatedate?? && showcreatedate.data == "true"> 
29        <#assign journalArticleModifiedDate = journalArticle.getCreateDate() /> 
30    </#if> 
31    <div class="metadata">${journalArticleModifiedDate?string["dd.MM.yyyy"]} | ${journalArticleAuthor}</div> 
34    <#assign printGroupId = "" /> 
35    <#if journalArticle.groupId != themeDisplay.scopeGroupId> 
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37    </#if> 
38    <div class="social-media"> 
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42    </div> 
44    <#-- ZDJĘCIA DO GALERII --> 
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49    <#-- Zdjęcie główne z galerii --> 
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52        <#if url?starts_with("/image/image_gallery")> 
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54            <#assign groupId = getterUtil.getLong(httpUtil.getParameter(url, "groupId", false), 0) /> 
55            <#if dlFileEntryLocalService.getDLFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(uuid, groupId) ?? > 
56                <#assign image = dlFileEntryLocalService.getDLFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(uuid, groupId) /> 
58                <#if image??> 
59                    <#assign mainGalleryUuid = uuid /> 
60                    <#assign imageDesc = htmlUtil.escapeAttribute(image.description) /> 
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63                <#assign galleryImage = {"url" : mainphotogallery.data, "thumbUrl" : mainphotogallery.data + "&width=250", "desc" : imageDesc, "uuid" : mainGalleryUuid} /> 
64                <#assign galleryImages = galleryImages + [galleryImage] /> 
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68            <#assign urlParts = stringUtil.split(urlParts[0]?string, "/") /> 
69            <#assign groupId = getterUtil.getLong(urlParts[2]) /> 
70            <#assign folderId = getterUtil.getLong(urlParts[3]) /> 
71            <#assign title = httpUtil.decodeURL(urlParts[4]?string, true) /> 
74            <#if urlParts?size gt 5> 
75                <#assign uuid = urlParts[5]?string /> 
76                <#assign mainGalleryUuid = uuid /> 
77                <#assign image = dlFileEntryLocalService.getDLFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(uuid, groupId) /> 
78            <#else> 
79                <#assign image = dlFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntry(groupId, folderId, title) /> 
80                <#assign mainGalleryUuid = image.uuid /> 
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83            <#assign galleryImage = {"url" : mainphotogallery.data, "thumbUrl" : mainphotogallery.data + "&width=250", "desc" : htmlUtil.escapeAttribute(image.description), "uuid" : mainGalleryUuid} /> 
84            <#assign galleryImages = galleryImages + [galleryImage] /> 
85        </#if> 
86    <#-- Zdjęcie główne --> 
87    <#elseif mainphoto?? && mainphoto.data?has_content> 
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89        <#assign galleryImages = galleryImages + [galleryImage] /> 
90    </#if> 
92    <#-- Zdjęcia dodatkowe z dysku --> 
93    <#if additionalphoto?? > 
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97                <#assign galleryImages = galleryImages + [galleryImage] /> 
98            </#if> 
99        </#list> 
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102    <#-- Zdjęcia z galerii --> 
103    <#if additionalphotogallery?? && additionalphotogallery.data?has_content> 
104        <#assign url = additionalphotogallery.data /> 
105        <#if url?starts_with("/image/image_gallery")> 
106            <#assign uuid = httpUtil.getParameter(url, "uuid", false)?string /> 
107            <#assign groupId = getterUtil.getLong(httpUtil.getParameter(url, "groupId", false), 0) /> 
109            <#if dlFileEntryLocalService.getDLFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(uuid, groupId)?? > 
110                <#assign image = dlFileEntryLocalService.getDLFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(uuid, groupId) /> 
111            </#if> 
112        <#elseif url?contains("/documents/")> 
113            <#assign urlParts = stringUtil.split(url, "/") /> 
114            <#assign groupId = getterUtil.getLong(urlParts[2]) /> 
115            <#assign folderId = getterUtil.getLong(urlParts[3]) /> 
116            <#assign title = httpUtil.decodeURL(urlParts[4]?string, true) /> 
118            <#if dlFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntry(groupId, folderId, title)?? > 
119                <#assign image = dlFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntry(groupId, folderId, title) /> 
120            </#if> 
121        </#if> 
123        <#if image??> 
124            <#assign folderId = image.folderId /> 
125            <#assign folderImages = dlFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntries(groupId, folderId) /> 
126            <#if folderImages??> 
127                <#list folderImages?sort_by("name") as folderImage> 
128                    <#if folderImage.uuid != mainGalleryUuid> 
129                        <#assign folderImageDescription = folderImage.description /> 
130                        <#if folderImage.description?lower_case == folderImage.title?lower_case + folderImage.extension?lower_case> 
131                            <#assign folderImageDescription = "" /> 
132                        </#if> 
134                        <#assign galleryImage = {"url" : "/image/image_gallery?uuid=" + folderImage.uuid + "&groupId=" + folderImage.groupId, 
135                            "thumbUrl" : "/image/image_gallery?uuid=" + folderImage.uuid + "&groupId=" + folderImage.groupId + "&width=250", 
136                            "desc" : htmlUtil.escapeAttribute(folderImageDescription), 
137                            "uuid" : folderImage.uuid} /> 
138                        <#assign galleryImages = galleryImages + [galleryImage] /> 
139                    </#if> 
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145    <#-- GALERIA OBRAZÓW --> 
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148            <#list galleryImages as galleryImage> 
149                <a href="${galleryImage.url + "&width=560"}" class="rsImg" data-rsbigimg="${galleryImage.url}"> 
150                    <img src="${galleryImage.thumbUrl}" width="125" uuid="${galleryImage.uuid}" class="rsTmb" /> 
151                    ${galleryImage.desc} 
152                </a> 
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155    <#elseif galleryImages?size == 1> 
156        <div class="single-image-gallery"> 
157            <div id="gallery-${journalArticleId}"> 
158                <#list galleryImages as galleryImage> 
159                    <a href="${galleryImage.url}" rel="lightbox" title="${htmlUtil.escape(galleryImage.desc)}"> 
160                        <img src="${galleryImage.url}&width=716" alt="${htmlUtil.escape(galleryImage.desc)}" /> 
161                        <#if galleryImage.desc?has_content> 
162                            <div class="mainphotogallery-description">${galleryImage.desc}</div>  
163                        </#if> 
164                    </a> 
165                </#list> 
166            </div> 
167        </div> 
168    </#if> 
170    <#-- ZAWARTOŚĆ ARTYKUŁU --> 
171    <#if abstract?? && abstract.data?has_content> 
172        <p class="description">${abstract.data}</p> 
173    <#else> 
174        <p class="description">${.vars["reserved-article-description"].data}</p> 
175    </#if> 
177    <div class="content">${content.data}</div> 
179    <#-- ZAŁĄCZNIKI --> 
180    <#assign hasAttachments = false /> 
181    <#if file?? && file.getSiblings()?size gt 0> 
182        <#list file.getSiblings() as fileItem> 
183            <#if fileItem.filedescription?? && fileItem.filedescription.data?has_content> 
184                <#assign fileItemName = fileItem.filedescription.data /> 
185            <#elseif fileItem.filetitle?? && fileItem.filetitle.data?has_content> 
186                <#assign fileItemName = fileItem.filetitle.data /> 
187            <#else> 
188                <#assign fileItemName = fileItem.data /> 
189            </#if> 
190            <#if fileItemName?? && fileItemName?has_content> 
191                <#assign hasAttachments = true /> 
192            </#if> 
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196        <div class="attachments"> 
197            <h2>${languageUtil.get(locale, "resources-to-get")}</h2> 
198            <ul class="attachment-list"> 
199                <#list file.getSiblings() as fileItem> 
200                    <#if fileItem.filedescription?? && fileItem.filedescription.data?has_content> 
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202                    <#elseif fileItem.filetitle?? && fileItem.filetitle.data?has_content> 
203                        <#assign fileItemName = fileItem.filetitle.data /> 
204                    <#else> 
205                        <#assign fileItemName = fileItem.data /> 
206                    </#if> 
208                    <#if fileItemName?? && fileItemName?has_content> 
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210                        <#if url?contains("/documents/")> 
211                            <#assign urlParts = stringUtil.split(url, "?") /> 
212                            <#assign urlParts = stringUtil.split(urlParts[0]?string, "/") /> 
213                            <#assign groupId = getterUtil.getLong(urlParts[2]) /> 
214                            <#assign folderId = getterUtil.getLong(urlParts[3]) /> 
215                            <#assign title = httpUtil.decodeURL(urlParts[4]?string, true) /> 
216                            <#if urlParts?size gt 5> 
217                                <#assign uuid = urlParts[5]?string /> 
218                                <#if dlFileEntryLocalService.getDLFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(uuid, groupId)?? > 
219                                    <#assign file = dlFileEntryLocalService.getDLFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(uuid, groupId) /> 
220                                </#if> 
221                            <#else> 
222                                <#if dlFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntry(groupId, folderId, title)?? > 
223                                    <#assign file = dlFileEntryLocalService.getFileEntry(groupId, folderId, title) /> 
224                                </#if> 
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226                            <#if file?? && file.icon??> 
227                                <#assign fileIcon = file.icon + ".png" /> 
228                            </#if>                        </#if> 
229                        <#if !fileIcon?? || !fileIcon?has_content> 
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234                                <#assign fileItemExt = fileItemExt?substring(0, indexOfSlash) /> 
235                            </#if> 
236                            <#assign fileIcon = fileItemExt?substring(indexOfDot) + ".png" /> 
237                        </#if> 
238                        <#if fileItem.wcagdescription?? && fileItem.wcagdescription.data?has_content> 
239                            <#assign fileItemWCAGDesc = fileItem.wcagdescription.data /> 
240                        <#else> 
241                            <#assign fileItemWCAGDesc = "" /> 
242                        </#if> 
243                        <#if file?? > 
244                            <#assign 
245                            fExtension = file.extension 
246                            textFormatter = staticUtil["com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.TextFormatter"] 
247                            sizeFormatted = textFormatter.formatStorageSize(file.size, locale) 
248                            /> 
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251                        <li> 
252                            <a href="${fileItem.data}" target="_blank" <#if fileItemWCAGDesc?? && fileItemWCAGDesc?has_content>title="${htmlUtil.escapeAttribute(fileItemWCAGDesc)}"</#if>><img src="${themeDisplay.pathThemeImages}/file_system/small/${fileIcon}"></a> 
253                            <a href="${fileItem.data}" target="_blank" <#if fileItemWCAGDesc?? && fileItemWCAGDesc?has_content>title="${htmlUtil.escapeAttribute(fileItemWCAGDesc)}"</#if>>${fileItemName} (${stringUtil.upperCase(fExtension)}, ${sizeFormatted})</a> 
254                        </li> 
255                    </#if> 
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257            </ul> 
258        </div> 
259    </#if> 